About Us
Valuation requires in-depth understanding of the market, the assets, the company and its competitors and as well as financial and nonfinancial situations. At BAC we offer you a team of highly qualified professionals to provide you with the best quality service you deserve.
BAC offers the best valuation service across different companies. By bringing together a team of certified professionals, we have provided not only the best talented and experienced business valuation services across many different industries, but also for insurance companies' worldwide clients since 2008.
Our expertise, combined with sophisticated valuation methodologies, can fulfill even the most complex business challenges and let us offer premier global consulting services to the insurance industry. We provide our clients vast experience in different areas and disciplines. Our expertise is focused on areas of energy and manufacturing industry; subscribed to the highest recognized valuation and professional accounting standards.
BAC provides clients throughout the world with top-practiced approaches for fixed asset management and property insurance appraisal. We are one of the specialized companies in the European, Asian and American market in providing assets valuations services for insurance and accounting purposes, being our expertise all classifications of real and personal property.
Our specialized knowledge is dedicated to the client, with customized advice and excellent services such as: structured fixed asset inventory, reconciliation processes, property insurance appraisal programs - with a focus on precise data collection and comprehensive reporting - promote improved financial supervision, regulatory compliance, and risk management.
At BAC, we are able to assist, inspect and appraise all kind of buildings and different types of investments in real estate. As one of the recognized companies in fixed asset inventory along tagging and reconciliation services, we provide our clients with the data visibility needed for fixed asset management as well as improved financial reporting, capital budgeting and accurate personal property tax values. Our professionals resort to deep global experience and leading-edge technology to constantly update and refine new and improved services, in order to assist clients with their financial and risk management responsibilities.
BAC headquarters are located in PANAMA with branch offices in different countries and the Caribbean islands.